Mediterranian Shipping Company South Carolina Headquarters

Location: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

Scope: New Construction

Status: In Progress

Size: 26,261 SF

Client: Mediterranean Shipping Company

Civil Engineer: Earthsource Engineering

Structural Engineer: Atlantic Engineering

MEP Engineer: DWG Engineering

Mediterranean Shipping Company’s South Carolina Headquarters Building is designed to reflect the company's core values of efficiency, sustainability, and innovation while paying homage to its maritime heritage and the historical architecture of the Charleston/Mount Pleasant area. Watermark Drive will be the new home of an MSC office campus that connects VCA’s proposed HQ building as well as a newly renovated office building though the use of arching colonnade and park. On the interior of the proposed headquarters the architecture seamlessly integrates the elements of nautical and transportation inspiration through the use of unique finish materials that help to represent the MSC brand. The VCA design looks to embody MSC’s commitment to innovation, and excellence, while also creating a dynamic and inspiring work environment for its employees. MSC’s Southern Headquarters building will stand as a symbol of the company's dedication to the future of global logistics and maritime transportation.


EMS Prototype Design